How To Store Blueberries In The Fridge

How to keep blueberries in the refrigerator for the winter and keep blueberries fresh

Blueberries (Latin Vaccinium myrtillus) are not just a healthy berry, they are a treasure trove of health. For medicinal purposes, it began to be used many centuries ago, and until now, herbalists-healers will not find a worthy replacement for blueberries. Few people know that there is a monument to blueberries in Ukraine, and a few years ago this wild berry flaunted on Soviet postage stamps.

how to store blueberries

Due to its composition, blueberry has established itself as an effective anti-inflammatory and healing agent. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, eyes, digestive and genitourinary system, and even cancer. Blueberries are a unique combination of low-calorie content (57 kcal per 100 g of product) and a huge amount of nutrients. The collection of blueberry leaves is possible at any time from the moment of their appearance, and the berries begin to be stocked up in July. How to store blueberries after picking: where, what, how best, and for how long – we will tell you more in our informative article.

Blueberry storage methods

Like any berries, blueberries spoil quickly enough. If they plan to eat it fresh and without sugar, then it is better to do it right away. Blueberries should not be left even for several days, otherwise, they will lose their appearance. Just a few hours is how long blueberries can last without a refrigerator. So, the methods of storing the fruits of this shrub are as follows:

  • in fridge;
  • in the freezer;
  • harvesting berries;
  • you can store dried blueberries or pureed with sugar.

How to store blueberries in the refrigerator

Keeping blueberries fresh in the refrigerator may not be very long. But still, the berry will be stored there a little longer than at room temperature.

Up to 10 days – this is how long blueberries can be stored at 4 ° C. It cannot be placed in the fruit and vegetable compartment, the middle or bottom shelf is ideal for berries.

Before sending fresh blueberries to the refrigerator, the raw materials must be prepared:

  • clean from roots, twigs and other debris;
  • remove berries that have begun to deteriorate or crumpled on the road (how many days they will retain their freshness is affected by their original state);
  • before you keep the blueberries fresh, you do not need to wash them (or rinse them, but then dry them thoroughly);
  • the shelf life will increase slightly if you rinse the berries with a vinegar solution (dilute 1: 3 with water, respectively) and dry on a towel;
  • blueberries must be placed in a glass jar, plastic container or ceramic container, but not metal (otherwise it will oxidize);
  • do not close the container with blueberries tightly; it is necessary to ensure weak air circulation.

How to store blueberries in the freezer

This is another good way to save blueberries for the winter, so preparation of the berries must be very careful. Before sending them to the freezer, you must:

  • sort out the berries, remove the debris;
  • rinse and spread on a towel in one layer to dry completely;
  • sprinkle the berries on a small baking sheet or dish (it is advisable to cover it with cling film or cellophane) at a short distance from each other;
  • place in the freezer for 2-3 hours;
  • when the blueberries are completely frozen, they must be placed in a food bag, removed the air and sent back to the freezer for long-term storage.

One year is how long frozen blueberries last. Moreover, after aftershock the freezing, this period can be increased by a couple of months.

How to store dried blueberries

Dried blueberries are stored in paper or wooden containers, but not in linen bags or plastic bags. Like all dried fruits, insects are very fond of them. The bottom of the container is covered with paper and placed in the pantry, in the basement it will be too humid.

Optimal conditions for storing dried blueberries are at a temperature of 20 ° C and air humidity of no more than 70%.

In order to prepare blueberries for this storage method, you need to do the following:

  • sort out the berries, remove the debris;
  • no need to wash, spread in one layer. Dry at a temperature of 40-70 ° C – in an oven or fruit dryer;
  • in hot weather, you can lay out the berries under a canopy or in the attic – there is the most optimal air circulation and temperature regime for drying berries;
  • in the oven or berry dryer for the first 4 hours, the temperature should not exceed 40 ° C, after which it is increased to 70 ° C and left until the berries are completely dry;
  • properly dried blueberries are stored under optimal conditions for 2 years.

Other ways to store blueberries

Considering how much is stored at room temperature, it is wiser to cook various tasty preparations from it. Even if this berry is wild, but compotes, jelly, syrups, preserves, jams, marshmallows from it are no less tasty than homemade fruits. Blueberry blanks can be stocked up and enjoyed all year round.

How to store sugar-grated blueberries

Most people are interested in whether it is possible to save vitamins in berries because it is in them that the value of blueberries is contained. One of these ways is to grind the blueberries with sugar. Moreover, such a delicacy can be frozen and closed in glass jars. Fresh blueberries are sorted out, washed, dried, and covered with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio. If you plan to store mashed blueberries in the freezer, you can take a quarter less sugar. Blueberries with sugar are chopped with a blender or passed through a meat grinder. It will turn out very tender if you rub it through a sieve. Ready mashed blueberries with sugar are poured into sterilized jars. They are stored for up to 1 year at a temperature of 2-4 ° C, that is, the right place for them is the refrigerator. These can be ordinary cans with twists; there is no need to seal them with disposable lids.

Frozen blueberries, grated with sugar, will be stored for the same amount in the freezer. It is pre-placed in a plastic container and tightly closed with a lid. Of course, grated blueberries are not preliminarily subjected to any heat treatment, so all dishes must be clean. These blueberries retain most of the beneficial properties, and the taste remains the same after harvest.


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