Matte stretch ceilings for the kitchen: satin, PVC, how to choose

Stretch ceilings are in the first place among the huge list of ceiling coverings for the kitchen. This most beautiful and practical solution makes it possible to forget about repairing the ceiling surface for several years. Ceiling has an important place in the interior of each kitchen. An uneven, gloomy ceiling with grease stains and streaks can ruin the look of the most chic kitchen designs. The immaculately flat stretch ceiling will give the room a delightful chic and subtly emphasize your individuality.

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Stretch ceilings advantages

  • Among other advantages, it should be noted that subsequently they do not require painting or whitewashing, do not deform, hide cracks and irregularities;
  • not affected by the sun;
  • resistant to chemicals;
  • With the help of such a ceiling, you can visually change the size of the kitchen room, “expand” the area, make the kitchen higher or lower.

Stretch ceiling will help to hide the hood in the kitchen with outlet to ventilation and other systems. Ceilings in light colors will help to increase the illumination of the room.

Stretch canvases can successfully complement the color background of the interior. A varied selection of textures and completely unexpected color solutions serve as a great opportunity for an endless flight of imagination, creating an original style that will emphasize the owner’s impeccable taste. You can read about the disadvantages of stretch ceilings here.

Ease of installation, aesthetic pleasure, reliability and practicality of operation, strength, convenience, safety, these are their main advantages.


There are two types of PVC film – glossy and matte. The textures differ in their composition: they are made of polyester impregnated with polyurethane, or polyvinyl chloride composition . Both materials that make up the canvases create a roughness of the surface, but after tension, the web becomes ideally smooth.

PVC stretch ceiling

It looks like a PVC stretch ceiling

When choosing which ceilings are best for the kitchen, it is important to know that all components are environmentally friendly for humans . Modern equipment and the latest technologies used for their production allow us to manufacture products of various sizes and shapes.

They can be seamed or seamless. Modern manufacturers produce rolls up to 5 meters, which is a great aesthetic advantage . Matt stretch ceilings are made in different colors, they are distinguished by width, type of coating, and other properties. So, for example, the velvet-like ceiling looks just amazing! They can be painted, photographed, artistic or checkered and airbrushed.

  • Advantages

An important advantage of this type of canvases is that they do not show streaks or unevenness in the ceiling . There are no traces on the surface of matte stretch ceilings, there is no dust on them, as they are covered with a special antistatic coating.

A kitchen with such a ceiling will look cozy, a calm atmosphere will reign in it, which will undoubtedly please the owner of any home.

If the room has a permissible temperature, then a matte ceiling should be preferred. It will delight you with its original color, and unlike its glossy counterpart, it will not reflect sun glare and reflections of light . Such products have uniform thickness and uniform color. They have the highest degree of water resistance. It has been experimentally proven that they can withstand the pressure of 100 liters of water . For those who live in houses with problematic plumbing, this will be an important advantage. Also, the advantages of this type of canvas include soundproofing and fire safety, suitable for finishing the ceiling in a wooden house.

Matt textures are produced without creases. The indisputable advantage of matte canvas is its affordable price. If it is installed with a seam connection, then its price will be even lower.

How to choose

When choosing a ceiling sheet for the kitchen, you need to take into account all the features of the room. Its color and shape depend on several factors: your taste, the characteristics of the room, and the interior design. If you want to make the ceiling inconspicuous, invisible, then you should choose a classic white canvas.

Its relevance has been tested for decades and fans of the classics always opt for it. If the owner of the house is not an extravagant person, does not like defiant objects, but wants something more than white, then you should opt for pastel shades of matte film. The interior design will sparkle with new colors , and the color scheme will not seem defiant. Photo-printed ceilings are especially popular.

The textured surface of the canvases is excellent for large format printing, the image is real and colorful. Having stopped on a canvas with some kind of image, you need to think carefully whether you will like this look for many more years . The image should not be intrusive, associated with something unpleasant or gloomy.

It should be remembered that the service life of a matte stretch ceiling is about 50 years.

Manufacturers overview

On the modern market there are samples of matte suspended ceilings of domestic and foreign production. The most popular today are Russian, Belgian, Italian, ceilings made in France and Germany.

PVC stretch ceiling from Germany

PVC stretch ceiling from Germany has high quality and durability

At enterprises equipped with modern computer equipment, all the necessary production requirements are observed. Professionals work to maintain a constant microclimate (temperature and humidity), which is mandatory for the production process.

Ceiling films from different manufacturers differ in their dimensions. Catalogs of French and Belgian manufacturers differ in color.

French textures are produced in a width of 2 meters, and have long been in demand on the world market. These models are the standard of production, their quality was appreciated even by capricious consumers.

PVC stretch ceiling from France

The manufacturer from France is of high quality, but has a high price.

The film from France is distinguished by its durability, perfect coating texture and compliance with environmental standards. The ceilings made in Germany are not inferior in quality and design to the French ones. Their color palette is wider, and the largest coating size is 270 cm.

The leader of sales today is Belgium due to the large size of the canvases. Belgian enterprises produce the world’s only matte seamless fabrics (over 320 centimeters wide) . Kitchens using such materials delight in their splendor and sophistication. It is generally accepted that in China only fakes of stretch ceiling wallpaper are produced. In fact, this is not the case. The Chinese texture has a good appearance and decent quality. Manufacturers benefit from the stunning 330cm film size, larger than European manufacturers .

The most popular PVC stretch ceiling manufacturers:

  • The German company Renolit was founded more than sixty years ago and today it is a successful supplier of films to the world market. The factories of this campaign are located in all countries of the European region. A distinctive feature of their products is the highest price. The width of the produced rolls is 130 centimeters.stretch ceiling German company RenolitThis is how the stretch ceiling of the German company Renolit may look like.
  • The German company Pongs, under the Lackfolie brand, produces films of a more affordable price category, but not inferior in quality. Rolls are available in widths from 130 to 180 centimeters;
  • The same name with the name of the production company has a Malpensa ceiling . The product quality is flawless and reliable. The vigilant attention of technologists guarantees the amazing reliability of canvases of about 200 centimeters;
  • The film produced in the French city of Liancourt enjoys worldwide popularity. Alcor Draca guarantees its long service life.

The width of the canvases of domestic production is 1.4 meters. Those who want to save money are better off purchasing such options, since their French and Belgian counterparts are sold at a significantly higher price.

The quality of the film as well as its texture, unfortunately, is inferior to European counterparts. The production of products in all of these countries is established in accordance with the existing sanitary and hygienic standards of the countries of Europe and Russia.


It is necessary to engage in the installation of a stretch ceiling in the kitchen only after the completion of the repair in the apartment or house . Installation of this type of ceiling covering is not a lengthy process. All work can be completed within one day, including the installation of lighting in a stretch ceiling.

Preliminary work is not necessary, which is not the case with the installation of well-known traditional coatings . Using this material for finishing ceilings, you do not need to carefully remove the layer of old plaster and putty, painstakingly level the surface of the ceiling, apply a new layer of putty, paint it, or whitewash.

The owner will do without the help of a team of plasterers or painters, which will significantly save his money. During installation, your room will not be covered with a mountain of construction waste, and kitchen items will not be covered with a thick layer of dust and dirt.

It is important before installation to provide free access to the walls of the room along the perimeter of the ceiling, hermetically seal the existing cracks, remove loose or uneven parts from the ceiling.

Until that time, it is advisable to complete the “dirty work”, to start gluing the wallpaper after installing the canvas. It will not be necessary to take out interior items and furniture. There are two installation methods: harpoon and harpoonless .

In the first case, a harpoon is attached to the ceiling, which fixes the ceiling in the frame and hides behind a decorative beam. This is done in the event of a possible dismantling of the canvas, for example, if flooding is possible. In the case of installation without a harpoon method, it will be impossible to return the removed damaged canvas to the old frame .


A matte stretch ceiling does not require as much care as a glossy one. They are unpretentious, cleaning them does not take much time .

The absence of stains and dust makes this type of ceiling covering the most convenient for the kitchen. You just need to wipe it with a sometimes damp sponge, or clean the surface with steam to remove the grease layer from the coating .

It is easier to wash this type of ceiling sheet, especially since there will be no water stains on it. When cleaning, we recommend using non-abrasive acetone-free cleaners or any degreasing agent.

At the end of the wash, it is recommended to wipe the ceiling with a dry soft cloth. Under no circumstances should the surface be brushed, as the web is stretched and may tear easily.

It is strictly forbidden to insert any structures into the canvas, as well as to paint the ceiling.

The advantages of stretch ceilings can be discussed for a very long time. But once you install such a ceiling at home, and you no longer want to change it for anything.


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