Matambre a la pizza in 5 steps

This tenderized baked meatloaf is one of the baked meat recipes that I like the most and it is all that is good for two reasons: for those of us who like meat, the pizza matambre is a delicious cut. we know how to cook it correctly, and on the other hand pizza is the richest thing there is … Do I need to explain something else? It is literally a fusion between the two richest foods in the world. Nothing bad can come of this Mabel!

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Today we are going to learn how to make pizza matambre, which makes it a practical and great dish for any day of the week. But the same recipe can be made on the grill, simply take it to the grill and follow all the steps as is, or trust whoever is in charge of the grill as it should be.

The matambre is a typically Argentine cut of beef, although in other countries it can be obtained as a skirt. It is a versatile cut and very very tasty. This cut is a slice of meat that is between the leather and the ribs, it is flat and wide. It is special to roll it or make it on the grill as a pizza slaughter, like the recipe that I bring you today.

Like almost any other cut of meat, the matambre can be enjoyed on the grill, as part of a barbecue. Open in half and cook fat side up. It is super crispy and delicious! With the Creole sauce that I taught you in another post, it looks incredible, I really tell you.

About this pizza matambre

These days of being at home, without a patio or grill, made me a bit nostalgic. Today I started to think about roasts, and great gatherings with friends and friends, with the family … Ugh. A lot of things. All of this led me to wonder what I was going to eat when I was quarantined. Yes! That makes me happy. A mental list of all the things I want to do when it all happens …

Obviously at the top of the ranking is seeing my loved ones, going out for a walk, or simple things like going to the plaza to stretch my legs. But, there is also a barbecue. A roast man, with everything he has to have: meat, achuras, but I also want a good baked meat. A matambre with baked pizza. 

And that’s when I realized that I don’t have a recipe on the blog about this wonderful dish! How can it be? So just like that I decided that this was going to be the post of the day. But, since we can’t do it on the grill because not all of us have one in our house, I bring a recipe in the oven. Today I’m going to do it, why? Because I have meat in the freezer, and because I wanted to.


  • 1 matambre from 700 gr to 1 kg
  • 1 liter of vegetable broth
  • 1 liter of milk
  • 1 cup tomato sauce
  • 250 gr of cream cheese
  • 1 small onion
  • 1/2 red pepper
  • 2 tomatoes perita
  • 150 gr of ham in slices
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 150 gr of olives
  • Salt, pepper, rosemary, garlic powder, chili pepper, oregano, 1 sprig of rosemary
  • Olive oil

How to make baked pizza matambre

in just 5 steps!

  1. Degrease the matambre as much as possible and put it in a pot with the milk, the vegetable broth, salt, pepper, crushed chili and the sprig of rosemary. Leave on low heat for 2 hours. This is the secret so that the pizza slaughter is tender, so tender that it falls apart!
  2. Chop the onion, red pepper and garlic. Sauté in a pan with olive oil. Add the tomato sauce. Salt and pepper and season with ground chili pepper and oregano. Reserve.
  3. Once the matambre is ready, place in a roasting pan with a bit of tuco. Put in the oven on medium heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Remove from the oven and add the rest of the tuco, the ham slices and the cream cheese. Bake until the cheese is melted. Add the two sliced ​​tomatoes and bake for 5 more minutes.
  5. When taking out of the oven, finish with the olives and oregano sprinkled on top and that’s it! Enjoy my dear ones, delicious pizza matambre!

Color fact: Another way to cook this cut is rolled meat, you can also find that recipe on this blog. Yes gentlemen, here they get all the recipes they are looking for, it’s like Google gastronomic!

A very practical fact: the roll is always done with the fat inside and with fillings as varied as there are Argentine cooks and houses. Some recipes call for hard-boiled egg and cheese, others don’t. And so with everything, so the combinations are endless if you are ingenious. And just like this recipe can also be made on the grill or baked, it is delicious in any form.

The only downside to this cut is that it can become dry if not cooked properly. Therefore, before cooking it, it must be tenderized: the meat can be beaten, marinated or boiled previously. Do you have any secrets? Tell me in the comments!


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