Madrid style tripe Traditional recipe

 Today I bring you the traditional recipe for tripe from Madrid. This dish is, in addition to being typical of Madrid cuisine, one of the winter recipes par excellence.

Prepare the spoon, a bread and some napkins to dry the slime because these Madrid-style tripe are all that is good!

What are Madrid-style tripe

In Argentina a similar recipe is the puchero, or the locro. But they are not the same, eh! Madrid-style tripe has a different taste. But if you like those two dishes, you can be completely sure that you have to try this recipe.

Like all regional dishes, we are going to find different ways to cook them. For example, in some regions they add cooked chickpeas and in others chorizo ​​is not used as in the one we will do today (which is the one I like the most, of course)

It is a dish that does not need much technique, just patience to cook this veal casserole over a slow and calm heat. And so enjoy it fully. Without further ado, let’s go to the Spanish recipe that you are going to love!

We hope you enjoy it,




Makes 8 servings

  • 1 kg of beef tripe
  • 1 chorizo
  • 1 blood sausage
  • 150 gr of bacon or bacon
  • 2 pork feet
  • 2 onions
  • 1 carrot
  • 5 cloves of garlic
  • 4 tbsp tomato sauce
  • Chilli pulp (or dried cayenne or fresh chili)
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf, paprika, cloves

Madrid-style tripe recipe step by step

it’s easier than you think!

Clean and blanch the corns: cut the corns into squares of approximately 2 x 2. Place in the pot in which the final recipe will be made together with the legs, the chorizo ​​and the blood sausage and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil to release any impurities. Once it boils, leave for 2 or 3 minutes and remove from heat.

Drain the water and wash the tripe and the pot well with cold water. Put the corns back there.

Cooking the tripe: in a vegetable mesh add an onion with a punctured clove, 3 crushed garlic cloves, bay leaf, pepper and a carrot. Add this mesh to the pot that we are going to use, it can be a traditional saucepan or a pressure cooker. In a traditional pot it will take about 4 hours for the tripe to be tender, with a pressure cooker, 45 minutes.

Put the tripe and the legs in the saucepan together with the mesh with vegetables (it goes inside a mesh so that it is easier to remove it later, if they do not have mesh they can put the vegetables loose, nothing happens). Cover flush with cold water and a little salt. Be careful as the chorizo ​​and bacon already have enough salt.

10 or 15 minutes before (in the case of using a pressure cooker, but 45 minutes or 1 hour before) that the tripe is cooked, add the chorizo, the blood sausage and the cut bacon. If you like, you can brown the bacon a little before adding it. This will give it a better texture and remove some excess fat. Adding them at this time will complete cooking and they will not explode. The exact point is when the corns are soft and tender, but do not fall apart. Anyway, it is better to go over the point and undo it a bit than to remove it before and make it hard.

Once it is in the last stage of cooking, you have to make the sauce:  peel and mince the 2 remaining garlic cloves and sauté in a drizzle of olive oil. Take special care not to overdo it with the oil. Add the finely chopped onion and lightly brown. Add the tomato sauce and season to taste. Add the chilli for a spicy touch.

Add to the cooking of the tripe and leave it on the fire for a little longer to taste. Once cooked remove from heat.

Separate the ingredients : remove the mesh with the vegetables on one side, the broth on the other, the tripe and the chorizo ​​and the blood sausage on the other. Discard the pork feet. If you like, you can take advantage of it hot and remove the little meat it has and add to the preparation. If not, it is not necessary, it already gave the collagen we needed for the preparation.

Discard the bay leaf and cloves . Blend the vegetables with a little of the Madrid-style tripe cooking broth.

Now the sauce: we return to the fire a little of the cooking broth and add, little by little, the processed vegetables. Let it reduce its volume and rectify the seasonings to taste. Footnote: it is not necessary to add all the processed vegetables, add it until they achieve the consistency that you like the most. Use as much broth as you like.

The Madrid-style tripe should not be like a soup , but rather like a stew. The remaining broth can be saved to enhance some other food and add flavor. Another option is to use all the broth and leave as long as necessary for it to reduce. In this way it will concentrate the flavor and be much richer!

Once the broth has the desired consistency, add the chorizo ​​and blood sausage cut into thick slices, the rest of the ingredients and cook for 10 to 15 minutes so that the flavors mix well.

Rectify the flavors with salt and pepper if necessary and let it rest for a few hours (ideally, it should rest for a whole day). Before heating to serve, remove excess fat that is on the surface with a spoon or ladle.

This final degreasing is key so that it is not excessively heavy and can be enjoyed much more!


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