Legumes 7 infallible tricks so that they do not give us gas

Today at KitchensCity we answer that question that we all ask ourselves quietly but no one dares to answer: what must be done so that legumes do not give us gas? 

Legumes have a high nutritional content, they also help prevent or fight diseases, they have fiber, protein, etc … But there is a problem: gas. It is not good to eat and then be a symphony with super unpleasant noises and smells.

Legumes without gases seemed to be a kind of mythological animal, something that only exists in our most utopian dreams. Years and years thinking that beans and gases were an inseparable combo, until I began an investigation that not even the University of Massachusetts dared to delve into and bang! A new world opened up.

I asked my Instagram followers to give me their secrets, tips and knowledge about the subject: how to cook legumes and avoid the fatal odorous outcome . Ah, since I am telling you about this, I leave my account here so you participate in the next great internet conventions that are transformed into these super scientific social and gastronomic studies. Well no, not all of that, but I have a ton of exclusive content all the time, that’s for sure.

Yes you can gentlemen! It wasn’t just me who was doing everything to cook the beans and dodge the gases. It turns out that there was a whole community dedicated to investigating how to prepare legumes so that they did not fall bad, they were only working alone, so as not to have to say the word “fart” out loud. Someone had to raise the tone and shout from the rooftops this ancient knowledge about gases that we as a society have been developing.

Without further ado, we are going to uncover the pot (of beans). I hope you enjoy it and that you never have to choose between eating beans or keeping your belly quiet.

7 tricks that prevent legumes from gassing

Trick # 1: Soak beans for too long

We generally soak the beans for up to 8 to 9 hours. Investigating I found that you have to leave it for around 24 or 25 hours because that way we digest it more easily. Obvious guys always in the fridge.

Trick # 2: Add Baking Soda

Most beans have complex oligosaccharides. Que? What’s that? Complex sugars that make digestion more difficult, said in Creole. The gases come because of you, friends… So let’s join forces against oligosaccharides!

While soaking the beans is the most efficient action to remove excess sugars, adding a tablespoon of baking soda to the soak helps a lot.

Trick # 3: Cook in a pressure cooker

If we add cooking in an express pot to the 2 previous tricks, our legumes will be much easier to digest.

By clicking here you will find a recipe for beans with ground meat, ideal for you to try these tricks and then tell me how it went.

Trick # 4: Spices that help

Adding the right spices to our dishes not only serves to give them a special flavor, but also helps our intestines to minimize flatulence and improve digestion.

Laurel stimulates the digestive system and prevents heartburn. Other spices that serve include turmeric, cumin, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger.

Trick # 5: kombu seaweed

This tip was told to me by A LOT of people, but many posta eh! There is only a small handful in the cooking water and holy remedy. They also say that a cabbage leaf works, but that’s why I don’t put my hands in the fire because I didn’t try it and here I come with FACTS not with opinions okk? (I got serious eye)

Trick # 6: Cut the cooking

The masses say that halfway through cooking you have to cut the boil. They say this is done two or three times throughout the cooking and it works. Nobody knew how to give me the scientific basis for this, so if you know it, please tell me.

To be honest, I don’t think this is of any use. It makes the cooking take longer and mmmm I don’t believe it. But, I tried it with all the tricks and the final result was positive, so I will continue to make it clear that I do!

Trick # 7: Don’t use the soaking water

This is paramount. Never, never, not even a joke. For the love of all the Greek gods I ask you.

Most legumes are cooked from cold water, with the exception of chickpeas and the occasional anti-system.

Here is a chickpea mealprep that breaks it. They use as an excuse to try these tips and voila, they have 5 meals of the week solved. A great goal!


These tricks are used to reduce gas, they are not magic either. Legumes are heavy and we learned to love them that way. There is a phrase from the book of The Little Prince that says that to enjoy butterflies sometimes it is necessary to support a couple of caterpillars. Well, let’s apply that metaphor to lentils and gas. Wonderful, don’t you think?


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