How, where and how much to store salt correctly in the kitchen at home

Salt is called “white poison”, but people cannot imagine their life without it for more than 10,000 years. At one time, this product was more expensive than gold and often caused bloodshed. Now salt is not poured into golden salt shakers and wars are not arranged because of it, but on the contrary – you can go to any neighbor and ask for some salt, because there is salt in the kitchen in every home. They are usually stocked with it for future use, so we will tell you about how to store salt at home.

  • Salt is a product with an almost unlimited shelf life. But high humidity can ruin it in just a few days.
  • Iodized salt is only useful for the first three months. Then you can safely use it, but like ordinary table salt, without iodine.

How to store salt properly at home

Moisture is what will spoil the salt the fastest. If even a drop of water gets into the salt, or the air in the room is so humid that it ceases to be crumbly and dry, then it will be difficult to use it for its intended purpose. Therefore, it is very important to find a storage method that includes keeping the salt dry. Salt can be stored for a long time – it will not deteriorate even after several years, but where it is recommended to store salt, there must be appropriate conditions. Now, in more detail about how to store salt, depending on its type, and there are several of them.

 How to store table salt

Ordinary table salt or sodium chloride can be stored in a dark, well-ventilated area. From two to five years – this is how long this kind of salt can be stored in a sealed container. Usually manufacturers give such a period of time, but those who know what is the best way to store salt will sooner run out than deteriorate even after five years. How to store table salt? Usually it is poured into linen, linen, plastic bags, as well as glass jars or plastic containers.

The ideal temperature for storing table salt is 15-25 Ā° C, and the humidity should not exceed 75%. In order for the salt not to spoil the moisture, it is enough to add a few grains of rice or a cinnamon stick to the bag or container where it is stored.

How to store iodized salt

Iodized salt is common table salt with added potassium iodide. Anyone who uses this product often should know how to properly store iodized salt, as potassium iodide is very moody. So that it does not begin to decompose ahead of time, the room where it will be located should be as dry, dark and cool as possible.

If you know how to store iodized salt correctly, then given the shelf life, within 3-4 months you can preserve its beneficial properties (if it was stored correctly before purchase). After this period, iodized salt can be used as usual.

How to store sea salt

Sea salt is characterized by a high potassium content, but the conditions of its storage practically do not differ from those conditions that are necessary for storing table salt.

So how to store sea salt? – In a tightly closed container, which must be left in a dry and dark room.

How to store Svan salt

Svan salt popular in Georgia, in addition to being hygroscopic, has a strong spice aroma. Therefore, fabric bags are not suitable for storing it; it is better to use a tight-fitting container so that the smell does not disappear. Svan salt is also sensitive to sudden changes in temperature.

How to store Adyghe salt

The same can be said about the Adyghe salt. This spiced and spiced Caucasian salt doesn’t just need to be protected from moisture. The aroma wears off over time, so the container must be tightly closed.

How to store Himalayan salt

This ancient and very useful product crystallizes easily, therefore it is very important to protect it from moisture. Many useful trace elements in it can be destroyed by exposure to high or low temperatures, as well as sunlight. Therefore, it is best to store Himalayan salt in a dark and cool place in a container with a tight-fitting lid.

How to store berthollet salt

Berthollet’s salt is a powerful oxidizing agent that is usually not used in everyday life. Due to its increased explosiveness, this salt is best kept moist.

The shelf life of berthollet salt is no more than six months, while it should not be in close proximity to other chemicals.

Before storing this substance, you should also familiarize yourself with the rules for handling it and safety precautions.

How to store quaternary salt

Thursday salt is common table salt, which is prepared by Orthodox Christians in an unusual way only once a year – on Maundy Thursday. It is a kind of panacea for adversity, quarrels and diseases, so you need to store it in a special way.

After completing all the rituals associated with Thursday salt, it is stored in a bag or opaque jar as close as possible to the stove, but so that outsiders cannot see it. It is forbidden to tell and show quaternary or black salt to strangers.

Here, perhaps, are all the tricks in how to properly store all types of such an affordable and necessary product as salt.


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