How to Store Protein and Sugar Frosting and Storing Mirror and Chocolate Frosting in the Refrigerator

It is useful to know how much icing is stored in the refrigerator not only for confectioners but also for housewives who regularly pamper their household with delicious desserts. The shelf life of this product depends primarily on its variety. The glaze is sugar-protein, mirror, royal, lemon, chocolate. Chocolate icing, in turn, can be made from white, milk, or dark chocolate, with or without additives, diabetic or not. Here we will talk about whether it is possible to store the finished glaze, where, how, and how long it remains usable.

The most important thing about frosting storage

How to store frosting
  • The icing can be stored in the refrigerator for 14 days.
  • The shelf life of protein glaze is a maximum of 3 days.
  • Royal icing will keep in the refrigerator for up to 7 days.

How to store icing sugar

Icing sugar will have a perfect consistency if you use powder instead of sugar. You can store this glaze for a long time.

Its shelf life is about 3 days at room temperature and up to 14 days in a refrigerator.

It should be borne in mind that it will harden after a while, so the dishes must be tightly covered with cling film. Before using the icing sugar, you need to stir for an additional 1-2 minutes.

How to store sugar-protein glaze (icing)

The question of how to store protein and sugar icing is especially relevant before Easter. Cake icing storage is not usually required, but unforeseen circumstances can happen. And not only for Easter cakes, they prepare icing from sugar and eggs. Icing is used for gingerbread, muffins, cookies, buns, etc. In general, there are countless ways to use protein foam with sugar. Therefore, it is important to know how to store protein glaze.

It is prepared in a metal bowl (it is in it that you can get the lushest mass), the proteins are pre-cooled and salted, and then beat, gradually adding sugar or powdered sugar, until stable peaks. Some people add lemon juice to proteins – it will make the foam stronger and more stable. Before storing protein glaze, it does not need to be “disturbed” and transferred to another dish, it is enough to close the lid as tightly as possible. How long you can store the glaze in the refrigerator depends on the quality of its preparation, usually, this period does not exceed 3 days, but it is quite difficult to keep the protein foam as strong as at the time of preparation. It is worth being prepared for the fact that it will become liquid.

How to store mirror glaze

Glas or mirror glaze is a real find for a confectioner. With its help, you can make any dessert perfect, the main thing is to cook it correctly.

Due to its composition, it can be stored in a closed container on a refrigerator shelf for two weeks.

Sugar, gelatin, water, condensed milk, chocolate, food coloring – none of these products are perishable, but before using, this glaze must be stirred. Before storing mirror glaze, it must be placed in an airtight container.

How to Store Royal Icing

Royal icing is prepared for decorating confectionery products with edible decorative elements. Unlike mirror and chocolate glazes, Royal Icing cannot be refrigerated. To save the finished dried royal icing patterns, you will need a small box (for example, from under candy). Moisture and low temperatures are unfavorable conditions for royal icing. Cakes with protein cream can be decorated with such figures, but they do not go well with butter or buttercream.

Many do not store royal icing, being afraid of salmonellosis. In fact, with proper storage (in a dry place), a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria is not formed, so you can use Royal Icing for 5-7 days.

How to store chocolate icing

Chocolate icing is one of the easiest ways to decorate desserts. Chocolate icing is always prepared in a water bath, regardless of whether chocolate or cocoa is used in it. It can be stored for quite a long time, as well as chocolate. Optimal storage conditions for chocolate icing: air temperature 18°C ​​and humidity 75%. The shelf life of chocolate icing begins to count from the date of manufacture of chocolate, which is indicated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

  • dessert chocolate without additives is 6 months;
  • bulk chocolate without additives can be stored for up to 4 months;
  • loose chocolate with additives is stored even less – up to 60 days;
  • chocolate for people with diabetes, as well as with fillings and additives, is suitable for consumption for 90 days.

Based on these indicators, the shelf life of chocolate icing with additives is estimated at 3 months, and without additives – 6 months. It must be placed in a container and tightly closed with a lid, and before use, warm up to 37 ° C and mix thoroughly.


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