bok choy juice

Bok choy kale has been used medicinally in the East for centuries. It contains over 70 antioxidants, detoxifies the body, promotes proper metabolism and maintains cellular health. We have prepared some Bok Choy juice recipes for you with this vegetable, you can experiment with the ingredients!

Recipe 1

In addition to beets, the recipe also contains its greens, thanks to which we get a completely different composition of the juice. Beet tops and leaves fight diabetes, anemia, heart and thyroid problems. The apple will add sweetness to the drink. 


  • 1 Little bok choy 
  • 1 Beets and their greens 
  • 1 Apple 
  • 1 Fennel


Wash Bok choy, Beets and their greens and Apple.

Pass the ingredients through a juicer. 

Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Read more Can You Juice Lemongrass

Recipe 2

This juice has a pleasant sweetish taste thanks to the pineapple. Chard contains vitamin K, calcium and magnesium, which are essential for healthy teeth and bones. Fiber and lilac acid also help regulate blood sugar levels.


  • 1 Little bok choy 
  • 2 Large Swiss chard leaves
  • 1.5 stalks of celery
  • 1/2 Pineapple


Pass the ingredients through a juicer. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Bok Choy Juice

Recipe 3

Carrots are good for eyesight, it is also recommended to use it for cardiovascular and skin diseases. The vegetable has an antiseptic and anthelmintic effect. Basil is rich in vitamins PP, B2, C. Like carrots, it contains carotene, as well as rutin, tannins. Fights inflammatory processes in the body. 


  • 1 Little bok choy
  • 6 pieces of carrots
  • 1/2 Red cabbage
  • Large bunch of fresh basil leaves


Pass the ingredients through a juicer. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

Recipe 4

Ginger has anti-cancer properties and contains phenolic compounds and essential oils that can reduce nausea and inflammation. Also, the root contains vitamins of group B, C, A, amino acids, calcium, magnesium. 


  • 1 medium bok choy 
  • 8 pieces of carrots 
  • 1 slice of ginger 


Pass the ingredients through a juicer. Serve immediately. Enjoy!

6 Benefits Of Bok Choy Juice

The list of benefits of Bok Choy Juice is long, since all its components are recommended to strengthen and improve the health of your body, know them one by one.

1. Antioxidant

Thanks to its content of beta-carotene, manganese, zinc and vitamins A and C, this vegetable is very rich in antioxidants. In addition, it also contains phytonutrients such as flavonoids and phenolic acids that further expand the ranges of antioxidants it contains. Keep in mind that this means that it includes a wide range of antioxidant protection, as each type protects in different ways. They all protect cells from free radicals, but each one acts in different ways, in other words, they attack from all fronts to protect your body.

2. Anti-Inflammatory

The antioxidants listed above also act as anti-inflammatories, but you also have omega-3 fatty acids. They all reduce both internal and external inflammation, including chronic inflammation, which is the one that brings the most health risks. Vitamin K is another nutrient that Pak choi contains and is an excellent anti-inflammatory, as well as aiding bone health and blood clotting.

3. Good For The Bones

In addition to vitamin K, Chinese cabbage contains iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, all these components work on the maintenance and growth of bones, making it an ideal vegetable to incorporate in childhood (although it may be a a little difficult). Vitamin K for its part helps the absorption of calcium (which is also contained in cabbage) and its deficiency is directly related to fractures and other bone problems.

4. Healthy Skin

Its vitamin C content nourishes collagen, a protein that gives elasticity and keeps your skin young. Over time, collagen levels decrease, so it is important to nourish it to keep it at high levels for as long as possible. Vitamin C promotes the ability of this protein to keep skin smooth, with smoother wrinkles and better texture.

5. Cardioprotective

The content of potassium, folic acid, vitamin B6, and C, added to its 0 cholesterol content that Chinese cabbage has, means only benefits for your heart. Studies conducted on two groups of people, one consuming less than 1,000 mg per day of potassium, compared with another consuming 4000 mg, resulted in a 49% lower risk of death from heart disease in the latter group.

6. Digestive

It has a great contribution of fiber and, like all crucifers, it can give you a significant contribution to your digestion. Not only so that this process is correct, but even so that it is more agile. If you have problems with constipation, bok choy can help you.

Bok Choy Juice

Bok Choy Juice: Recipe 1

In addition to beets, the recipe also contains its greens, thanks to which we get a completely different composition of the juice.
Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 15 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine Asian
Servings 2


  • 1 Little bok choy 
  • 1 Beets and their greens 
  • 1 Apple 
  • 1 Fennel


  • Wash Bok choy, Beets and their greens and Apple
  • Pass the ingredients through a juicer. 
  • Serve immediately. Enjoy!
Keyword Bok Choy Juice: Recipe 1

Bok Choy Juice Video


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metabolism boosting juicing recipes